A rendering of the real face of King Tut from the BBC One documentary Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered. Image courtesy of BBC1.
The golden burial mask of King Tutankhamun shows a young man with strong, idealized features: a strong jaw, full lips, high cheek bones, and a regal brow. Thanks to high-tech 5-D detector imaging, reports the Daily Mail, the truth has finally been unwrapped, and it is far less pretty. Tut underwent a “virtual autopsy,” with CT scans, genetic analysis, and over 2,000 digital scans used to generate a computer model of the pharaoh. Previous attempts to reconstruct Tut’s visage were fairly attractive, based on the theories that he had sustained facial injuries in a fatal chariot race crash or when he was murdered.
Rapper From Pretoria, South Africa May be the Boy king born again.